Listening and Recording, Film 116
Instructor: Stephen Wetzel

SCREEN GRAB of equalization graphic to be loaded
onto your Rant post

• For OS (Mac) you simply hold down shift/command (apple)/4, then drag
the cross hair to make a picture selection.  When you release the mouse a
picture of your screen will be taken and saved to either your desktop or to
your "Documents" folder (you can also perform a search for the photo; search
for "Picture"; all screen grabs will be automatically titled "Picture 1, Picture
2," etc).

• For Windows you simply use the "Print screen" button on the keyboard.

Of course, if you're having trouble doing this, try Lord Google.

ONCE YOU'VE made a screen grab, you'll load this pic onto your "116"
folder in Pantherfile, then make a link to the pic from Blogger the same way
you make links to your sound files, the only difference being the link button.
Follow the steps below:

1. In edit mode (click on the pencil when viewing blog to enter edit mode)

pic 1

2. Then click on ther image icon (pic 2)

pic 2

3. Now locate the pic by clicking "Browse," then set its layout (right, center, etc.),
and finally "UPLOAD IMAGE."

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